مكتب نائب الرئيس للشؤون الاكاديمية

التقويم الأكاديمي

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Message from the Vice President

As chief academic officer of Bethlehem University, I am responsible for providing strategic vision, leadership, and management for Academic Affairs with the support of and in consultation with the senior academic officers, deans, chairpersons, and a dedicated qualified faculty. We are deeply committed to providing excellence in all areas of teaching, scholarship, and service through our five faculties and Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism. We are dedicated to our Lasallian mission and values, and committed to provide our students a supportive environment that promotes their success.


The Office of Academic Affairs supports, enhances, and promotes the mission of Bethlehem University by fostering academic excellence and providing overall leadership for all academic programs of the University. The Office advocates for, supports, and sustains excellence in teaching and learning; scholarship, research, and creative activity; and community engagement and public service. The Office is committed to creating an environment conducive to academic excellence and responsible citizenship.

The Office of Academic Affairs works to advance an academic environment in which quality, innovation, rigor/challenge, and active student learning and engagement are paramount. In accord with Bethlehem University’s mission, the Office will be known for enhancing educational processes; promoting excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service; and fostering a spirit of inquiry and independence of mind in the pursuit of knowledge, all in service of the common good. The Office strives to promote a University culture that supports faculty, academic staff, and administrators at all career stages through a responsive and innovative professional development program.

د. ايمان السقا

نائب الرئيس للشؤون الأكاديمية

  • مبنى دلسال، غرفة رقم D-226b
  • isacca@bethlehem.edu
  • 022741241 فرعي 2420

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