وحدة البحث المؤسسي

مهمة وأهداف المكتب

تتمثل مهمة  وحدة البحث المؤسسي في جامعة بيت لحم في دعم جامعة بيت لحم في تحقيق أهدافها من خلال توفير بيانات موثوقة ومعلومات مفيدة وتحليل للسلطات التنفيذية والموظفين والأقسام الأكاديمية من أجل دعم التخطيط المستقبلي واتخاذ القرار وصياغة السياسات .

About Us

The Institutional Research Unit (IRU) is primarily a service-oriented unit that observes, gathers, and manages data and conducts different types of research and data analyses to support University planning, development, policy formation, and decision-making. In addition to its regular observation and documentation of University-wide data, the tasks of the IRU are generated through requests from different Bethlehem University committees, administrative personnel, academic staff, and other formal bodies outside the University.

The IRU conducts most of its activities through preparation and presentation of project reports and discussion papers, the preparation and analysis of specific data sets, the design and preparation of measuring instruments (tests, questionnaires, etc), as well as the provision of research advice and assistance through discussions, meetings and workshops and annual publications about Bethlehem University (Fact Book).

The IRU is Bethlehem University’s reference point for future planning and development by providing accurate, on-time data and contemporary analysis for the decision-makers and other stakeholders.

وسيم الزغبي

معلومات التواصل

غرفة M-09  الطابق الأرضي
مبنى الميليونيم
هاتف: 97022741241 فرعي 2461
بريد الكتروني: iru@bethlehem.edu