Master of Biotechnology – Paradigm

Required Courses

A Master degree student in the first year of study has to complete the required courses in theoretical topics as well as state-of-the art of experimental work. These courses aim at having students acquire relevant knowledge, skills and lab experiences. In the second year, the Master degree student will choose a specialization in one of two tracks: Biomedical Sciences or Plant Technology (botany and agriculture). The program consists of 36 credit hours that are offered as follow:

  • Required courses (18 credit hours) including theoretical and experimental laboratory work.
  • Elective courses (12 credit hours) for either the Biomedical Sciences or Plant Technology tracks.

Major Requirements

Course Number Course Name Number of credits
MBT700 Colloquium 0
MBT701 Seminar Session 1 3
MBT702 Siminar Session 2 3
MBT711 Advanced Molecular Biology 3
MBT712 Advanced Topics in Cell Biology 3
MBT713 Research Methodology 2
  MBT714   Social and Ethical Aspects of Biotec 1
MBT715 Biotec Instrum and Techniques 3
  MBT716   Bioinformatics 3
MBT717 Exper: Design & Biostatistics 2
  MBT718   Buisness Aspicts of Biotec 1
  MBT719   Advanced Research Methodology & Ethics 3
  MBT900   Research 6
  Comprehensive Exam (MBT715-MBT716)


 Major Elective

Course Number Course Name Number of credits
MBT721 Molecular Diagnostics 3
MBT722 Plant Tissue Culture 3
MBT726 Advanced Topics in Genomics 3
MBT727 Advanced Topics in Biotechnology Applic. 3
MBT729 Advanced Biochemistry 3

In addition to the required courses, a student must complete a 6-credit hour practical project (thesis) and submit a thesis at the end of the project. After completing all requirements, a student is conferred a Masters degree in Biotechnology indicating the major area of specialization (i.e. Biomedical Sciences or Plant Technology).

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