EAR Directories
Thank you for giving us the opportunity of sharing our phone and contact lists directory. It’s designed to serve a great concept and to create massive ripple and effect. By pooling and displaying our resources we now hope to have more visitors to our page. Share it with your friends so they benefit as well.
EAR Directory:- Listing the phone & fax numbers, e-mail and websites of Palestinian & international institutions working in Palestine to meet every day needs, carefully updated in an easily accessible format, such as:
- Government Ministries and agencies
- Academic & Research Centers
- Associations & Unions
- Charitable Institutions
- Cultural Centers
- Democracy, Peace & Community Development Centers
- Economic, Educational & Financial Institutions
- NGOs
- Media Agencies
- Diplomatic Missions
- Human Rights & Law Centers
- Health Organizations
- Religious Forums
- Offices & Institutions of the Service Sector
- Women’s Organizations
- Youth & Sport Clubs