الدعم عبر الإنترنت – أدلة العلاقات الأكاديمية الخارجية

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The External Academic Relations Office operates under the auspices of the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Main core of this position is to follow up on the agenda of the Academic Office current and future agreements with international universities and other institutions that involve the exchange of students for short and / or long periods of time.

The External Academic Relations Office role and mission is to position Bethlehem University through raising global awareness of Bethlehem University’s local academic and nonacademic programs; establish relationships with future scholars; assist academic department in promoting their programs locally and internationally via:

  • Identifying and developing new external, local and international academic scholarship and program opportunities;
  • Strengthening, maintaining and sustaining BU current and future academic programs via increasing the value and volume of international joined agreements;
  • Facilitating the mobility of all incoming and outgoing visiting scholars and students.

The External Academic Relations Office ensures that the selection of BU students and academics for international scholars is done in a fair and transparent manner, share guidelines for handling such exchanges with regards to logistics and financial matters

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