Institute for Community Partnership (ICP)

The Institute for Community Partnership (ICP) at Bethlehem University was founded in 1989 (originally named Business Development Center) as one of the community-service extension units of Bethlehem University. The Institute is an integral semi-autonomous unit of the University that undertakes the responsibility of strengthening the ties between Bethlehem University and the Palestinian community. It seeks to enrich and develop the entire Palestinian community through the identification of emerging developmental needs and responding to them through different service programs and interventions.

The Institute for Community Partnership’s unique approach balances theoretical knowledge with practical experience and applied research in a multidisciplinary setting. This applied research combined with local technical assistance, consulting,  and organizational development support services, provided through the Institute for Community Partnership and its centers, enhances the training component of the delivery process at ICP. All three activities are essential to enable the ICP to be the center of excellence in providing high-quality and diversified professional interventions.

ICP has been pioneer since its establishment in introducing an innovative solutions to emerging challenges and problems, and for being proactive in doing so. As an example, all ICP 8 professional diploma programs are unique and not a replication of what exists in Palestine. ICP has managed to introduce the only three accredited professional diplomas, namely: Small and medium enterprises Management, project Management and E-Business utilizing Blended-learning approach in education to contribute to the development of the private sector. Also, ICP has an accredited diploma in Cooperatives Management to improve the capacities of cooperatives as being a lead organization in reactivating cooperative work in Palestine, recently ICP designed and implemented a professional diploma in “Community Trekking Guides” and graduated the first cohorts of trekking Guides who were licensed by the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, to serve the introduction of new community-based tourism products.

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جامعة بيت لحم تلتقي ممثلي الاتحاد الأوروبي لتعميق التعاون

استقبلت جامعة بيت لحم يوم الثلاثاء، 11 شباط 2025، ممثلي الاتحاد الأوروبي على…


ورشات تدريبية ضمن مشروع آفاق

ضمن الاستجابة الطارئة لمشروع آفاق والمنفذ من قبل معهد التشبيك والشراكة المجتمعية –…


جامعة بيت لحم مكان آمن لطلابنا وزملائنا

عقد مكتب الموارد البشرية في جامعة بيت لحم بالتنسيق مع معهد الشراكة المجتمعية…

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Mr. Moussa Rabadi 
Tel: 2770936, ext. 2111

Mr. Nibal Nasser
Deputy Director

Tel: 2770936, ext. 2101

Ms. Louba Zeidan
Project Assistrant
Tel: 2770936, ext. 2100