المجلس الأكاديمي

The Academic Council

The Academic Council is an advisory council to the Vice Chancellor and addresses matters pertaining to all academic policies, rules, and regulations of Bethlehem University. All approved recommendations become effective at the ratification of the Executive Council.

The Academic Council is concerned with:

  1. All academic policies of Bethlehem University, including the policies on admission, registration, acceptance to major, graduation, student credit load, probation, dismissal, examinations, grades, honors, and library use;
  2. Proposals by faculties and/or departments for major curricula changes, new programs, or addition/deletion/modification of majors, minors, or departments and academic programs;
  3. Reviewing, on a rotating basis, academic programs with regard to their conformity to Bethlehem University objectives, policies, and procedures; the quality, integration, and effectiveness of their curricular offerings; departmental criteria and standards; academic programs’ strengths and weaknesses; future growth and development of the department and/or program; and
  4. Any other matter deemed appropriate by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

أعضاء المجلس

يتألف المجلس من:

  • نائب الرئيس للشؤون الأكاديمية
  • نائب الرئيس المساعد للشؤون الأكاديمية
  • عميد كلية الآداب
  • عميد كلية شكري ابراهيم دبدوب لادارة الاعمال
  • عميد كلية التربية
  • عميد كلية التمريض والعلوم الصحية
  • عميد كلية العلوم
  • عميد البحث العلمي
  • مدير معهد ادارة الفنادق
  • مدير المكتبة
  • مدير مركز التميز في التعليم والتعلم
  • المسجل
  • عميد شؤون الطلبة
  • جميع رؤساء الأقسام

أعضاء المجلس