I enjoy online lectures as much as face-to-face despite their differences. I feel more focused when studying remotely as the lectures are very much interactive. The cooperation of our professors made the transition to online learning very easy for me. Our instructors are also offering us a few hours online per week for our inquiries and questions. This change to online learning saved me a lot of time as I live in Hebron. I now replace my transportation time with a part-time job in the old city of Hebron to be able to pay my tuition fees and help my parents.
Ahmad Abumonshar
4th year Business Administration major student

I faced some challenges while studying online and most of them were technical issues. I cannot afford having WiFi at home so I do not have internet access all the time. I have to go to a nearby cafe that has WiFi to attend my lectures. My schedule, which was provided by the University, made it easier for me since I do not have a lot of gaps between lectures. My professors share their computer screens with us to better understand them. They were so cooperative that they recorded lectures and shared them with us in case we missed a class due to power outage or not being able to get internet access.
Maha Abugharbieh
3rd year Business Administration major student

It was a good new challenge to shift to online learning since I am doing my Master’s degree. I usually prefer face-to-face classes because it is easier to communicate, yet our professors made their utmost effort to deliver all the information needed. In the beginning, I was concerned about how I would reach the resources I need for my research, but thanks to the measures taken by the University, the concerns vanished. I am now enjoying my course through blended learning which combines my preference for face-to-face and the innovative teaching method my professors developed online.
Jessica Salameh
2nd year MICAD student

One of the biggest challenges for me as a Software Engineering student was having to cope with sitting in front of the computer screen for several hours. That is why I had to create a more comfortable environment by changing rooms for different classes. I also take a lot of powering naps between classes so I can boost my energy and give my eyes a break from staring at the screen for a long time. What I really like about online classes is that we are now able to get back to recorded lectures when needed. Unlike face-to-face classes, online education is giving us the opportunity to be prepared to collaborate with peers from all over the world.
Lawrence Sammour
2nd year Software Engineering major student

I live in Jerusalem. Remote learning helped me overcome the hassle of crossing checkpoints from Jerusalem to Bethlehem which used to take a lot of time and was physically very tiring. I was also able to save the transportation money, especially during these difficult times. The only disadvantage of remote learning for me is that I miss the cozy atmosphere of our lovely campus which used to help me focus on my studies. I also miss the social life as I think online lectures are less engaging than face-to-face classes.
Haneen Halayqa
2nd year English Language and Literature major

I feel privileged because of my blended learning schedule. I take my theory classes online and laboratory classes on campus. I feel like a normal university student who lives university life to the fullest. I work 6 hours per week in the biology lab, taking into consideration all the safety measures including wearing masks and gloves, and making sure that I am physically distant from others. To be a successful distance learner, I had to be self-
disciplined and able to work well on my own.
Rami Lama
3rd year Biology major student
This article appeared in the Bethlehem University magazine of Fall 2020 (Volume 28, Issue no. 1, pp. 14-15) Click here for the latest issue.