The Consulate General of France in Jerusalem is happy to share the Al Maqdisi 2023-2025 call for projects.

Coordinated by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), the French Ministry for Higher Education and Research (MESR), and the Consulate General of France in Jerusalem, in cooperation with the Palestinian Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research (MoHESR), the Al Maqdisi program aims at developing and strengthening scientific and academic exchanges between French and Palestinian higher education institutions and research organizations. To this purpose, it supports the mobility of French and Palestinian researchers and seeks to foster new structuring collaborations and encourage the participation of young researchers.

Teams that have already received an Al Maqdisi grant may apply again as long as their proposed project differs from the previous one and demonstrates evidence of scientific progress and an effort to find other funding sources. In any case, new collaborations will be favored.

The program is open to all fields.

Deadline to apply: May 31st 2023.

We will hold an information session on the 26th April 2023  (schedule to be confirmed), please save the date.

Applications should be submitted by the French teams on the Campus France platform.

Feel free to share this call as much as possible to your colleagues and partners.