Nader Hazboun, M.Sc.
I am currently a lecturer in laboratory medicine in the Biology Department at Bethlehem University. My first research involved the use of Y-PSMA2 monoclonal antibody in Prostate Cancer; I showed that this monoclonal antibody could be used to detect primary and peripheral blood micrometastatic prostate cancer cells. In 2009-2013, I determined the frequency of K blood group antigen in Bethlehem and Hebron Districts. In 2010, I determined the percentage of adults in Bethlehem District with a high risk for cardiovascular disease based on the hs-CRP assay. In 2017, I published an article on the use of CAR-T cells for hematological malignancies in international journal of tumor therapy and also an article on Immune Checkpoint Blockade therapy for Cancer in the same Journal but in 2019. In 2018-2019, I studied the prevalence of ICA antibodies in Healthy young adults from Bethlehem District which was published in International Journal of Diabetes Research.
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