About the Foundation
The Bethlehem University Foundation is the U.S. registered 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation (22-3600739) entrusted with the sole mission of supporting and promoting Bethlehem University. The Bethlehem University Foundation allows a U.S. citizen to make a tax-deductible gift in support of the work of Bethlehem University.
The Foundation makes an annual grant from its endowed funds and provides a monthly grant of donor-specified gifts to Bethlehem University.
Headquartered in Beltsville, Maryland, and incorporated in the state of New Jersey, the Foundation is governed by its Board of Directors. The Foundation raises funds for three purposes:
1. Donor-designated gifts for projects at Bethlehem University;
2. Gifts for endowed funds of the Foundation, which are “forever gifts” that create a long term and sustainable future for Bethlehem University;
3. Gifts for the Annual Fund, which allows the Foundation to respond directly to the needs of Bethlehem University.