George Nasra “Turathuna” Summer Camp 2019

The Library Team of George Nasra Turathuna Center organizes an annual youth summer camp. This year, it was from the 17th to the 28th of June 2019. Fourteen boys and girls from different schools participated with ages between 12 and 16 years old.

The course/workshop this year focused on painting on glass, with Mrs. Tania Ghattas. She is a very talented artist, generous with her time and gave her personal attention to each individual participant. What contributed significantly to the successful completion of the creative sessions is that the students were also very gifted, interested, and excited to have such a refreshing new activity. 

A trip to Nablus was arranged in order to learn more about the Palestinian culture and it included many activities such as: a tour in the old city of Nablus, visiting the factory of soap and explaining the history and the process of producing the soap, and visiting Mr. Munib Al-Masry’s residence (The Home of Palestine).

On the last day marking the culminating activity, parents were invited to participate in the ceremony of the students’ graduation, during which they were awarded certificates of participation. Everyone was also invited to view the exhibits of the students’ finished glass-painting works of art. Refreshments were served and two students played on their musical instruments while socialization was going on among the invitees. As a whole, the student-participants were very happy with what they learned during the unique summer camp and the parents expressed their gratitude to the Team of Bethlehem University Library.