Educational Summer Camp for Students

Turathuna: George Nasra Center for Palestinian Heritage at the Zbierski Library – Bethlehem Unversity, commenced a summer camp on Monday, 10 July 2023, generously funded by Pro TerraSancta. Sixteen students from different schools, namely Frere School, St. Joseph School, Lutheran School, American School, and Government School, enthusiastically enrolled in the camp.

Several activities were organized for the participants, including sports activities by George Manoli, Assistant to Athletics Director at the Athletic Department led warm-up exercises, preparing the students for an educational and entertainment day.  Additionally, Jumana Halabi, a Psychologist, facilitated exercises that focused on mental health, while Celina Salsa gave a design session on using the Canva application for simple designs. Other activities included Dabkeh dance and Palestinian artwork.

Two films were screened, one about old Bethlehem and another about a depopulated village in 1948. Students were also given the chance to go swimming and visited some important sites, including Dar El Majus, Bethlehem University’s Palestine Museum of National History, the Walled-Off Hotel Museum, and the Palestinian Heritage Center, and had a delightful breakfast at Efteem restaurant. Additionally, the students visited two factories: the Spring Factory and Funoun Factory for stones.

The Camp was concluded on Friday, July 21st, with a heartwarming reception. During this event, Fr. Iyad Twal, Executive Vice President, and Mr. Tomaso, the Director of Dar El Majjus/Pro Terra Sancta, awarded the students with certificates of participation, acknowledging and celebrating their achievements.

Ms. Elizabeth D’souza, library director delivered a speech, extending a warm welcome to the parents and invitees. She expressed her gratitude to the Director of Dar El Majjus Mr. Tomaso and the former director Vincenzo Bellemo for the donation and Fr. Iyad Twal and Bethlehem University, and the team for their dedicated efforts in organizing and running the camp.