Mr. Thomas Hoene, T. u. H. Hoene Stiftung, Germany says:
“We, at the T. u. H. Hoene Stiftung, believe that education and training are the solutions for need, misery, poverty, violence, discrimination, and discord in our world. Only those who are able to help themselves will be able to make a good contribution to their own development and thus to the development of humanity. Our goal is to create the conditions for as many people as possible, primarily children and young people, to shape their own lives and thus give them the chance to positively shape their social environment. We decided to engage in the scholarship program at Bethlehem University after a trip to the Holy Land in 2019. We consider our commitment there as an individual spark of peace that we want to ignite so that it can be carried on into a region that is longing for peace. We feel happy that the University selected the student Marian Nasserallah to receive our scholarship. We had the chance to get to know her during a video call coordinated by Ms. Shahinda Nassar, Development Officer in June 2020. It was a wonderful experience to see the impact of our gift.”
Scholarship Recipient Mariam Nasserallah, 2nd-year Biology major student