Bachelor of Arts Major in Sociology

Sociology as a discipline is concerned with developing a knowledge and understanding of Social Work from a distinctively social point of view. Its focus is on the relations that connect individuals, groups and institutions. When it looks at the characteristics, understandings and practices of individuals themselves, it does so from the standpoint of their relations with others.

Program Learning Outcomes

By the end of the program the student should be able to:

Understand the different theoretical and sociological schools and concepts

  • Understand the important role of social theories.
  • Compare, analysis  the difference between the theoretical trends
  • Have the ability to apply them in their studies of social phenomena. .

Understand the sociological concepts which frame the base of social theories

  • Develop the knowledge and critical thinking to social phenomena in the Palestinian community.
  • Develop structured criticisms in understanding the social phenomena.
  • Understand the importance of critical thinking at the economic and social effects
  • Asses the theoretical and critical trends within the cultural and political status of the Palestinian community.

 Have improved skills through the following:

  • Improving the  ability to design and implement social research
  • Using quantitative and qualitative indicators in forming social knowledge
  • Enhancing the understanding of the process of using scientific research
  • Comparing between both the quantitative and qualitative methods in developing the research methodology.
  • Enhancing the ability to criticize and analyze the scientific published study to build their own research questions
  • Building the capacity to manage resources through using the recent and up to date citations and bibliography criteria

 Change behavior and attitudes through:

  • Understanding the diversity in others opinions.
  • Using dialogues as a teaching method and as an essential way to learn new ideas.
  • Respecting the individuals and groups rights for self-determination.
  • Increasing commitment to social justice and develop the social responsibility.