Department of Mathematics – Chair

Meet the Chair

Greetings and welcome to the Department of Mathematics at Bethlehem University. The Department of Mathematics promotes Mathematics as the language of science. Our program provides a solid foundation to pursue graduate studies or a successful career in government or private sectors.

Our department offers courses in Mathematics that lead to a Bachelor Degree in Science with major in Mathematics.  In addition, we provide Math and Statistics courses for students in the Nursing, Midwifery, Education, and Business departments.

We strive to use pedagogies in Teaching and Learning that prioritize the mathematical knowledge and skills that the courses aim to develop. Our students receive individual attention from their dedicated instructors in a friendly learning environment and building mutual respect.

Why Study Mathematics?

Studying math develops your ability to be a problem solver and ability to logical reasoning skills. It is the way to understand the real world problems.  Many jobs require the knowledge of mathematics in different areas, including technology, Computer Science, Business, Banking, Astronomy, Music, Medicine, Engineering, Biology, and Sports, you name it.  Mathematical models explain and study the world we live in.  In addition, studying math provides a solid foundation to pursue your higher education in other fields.  I say no life without mathematics. Watch the following short video for fun and you see why math is important.

I welcome your questions about our program.

Huwaida Rabie, Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Chair of the Department of Mathematics

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