Tag: Chairperson

Opening of the Biodiversity Center & Future Conversations at Bethlehem

Link: http://www.defenddemocracy.press/opening-of-the-biodiversity-center-future-conversations-at-bethlehem/ From: Defend Democracy Press We had a grand opening of the Biodiversity Center at the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability at Bethlehem University this morning. Linda Majaj, Project manager MC’d the event and gave introductory remarks. We heard from Joris Heeren, the EU representative as well as from Brother Peter Bray (Vice-Chancellor […]

“Why I Love Bethlehem University” Photo Exhibit

As part of the Francophonie events organized by the English Department’s French program at Bethlehem University, a photography exhibition entitled “why I love Bethlehem University” was opened  Thursday, 12 April, in De La Salle Hall. The Representative of Switzerland in Palestine, Mr. Julien Thöni, and the French Consulate’s Educational Cooperation Attaché in Jerusalem, Ms. Marie-Claude […]