Tag: WB-13-April-2021

Students Participate in Research Competition

Four Bethlehem University students are participating in a research competition held by Reform organization through the “Without Restrictions” project. The organization held three training days to help students in developing their research ideas. The project aims to enable university students to use scientific research tools in the development of their societies. It also helps to […]

ITS Staff Help Students Overcome Challenges

The Dean of Students Office organized a virtual meeting for the students with staff of the Information Technology Services (ITS) Office on Thursday, 08 April 2021, which was live streamed over YouTube.   The meeting aimed to assist students in dealing with various problems, challenges, and issues related to the use of technology while studying […]

Students Participate in Workshop on values of Democracy, Human Rights, and Gender

Four Bethlehem University students and a staff from the Dean of Students Office participated in a workshop entitled “Together towards promoting the values of democracy, human rights, and gender” that was held in Jericho on Tuesday and Wednesday, 6 and 7 April 2021. The workshop discussed important issues including Palestinian student’s life, the role of […]