Tag: WB-17-October-2022

Fourth Cohort Graduation of Theological Studies of Bethlehem University in Jordan

The Department of Religious Studies at Bethlehem University represented by the Vice President and Director of the Religious Formation Program in Amman, Father Iyad Al-Twal, had graduated a cohort of students last week. The graduation ceremony took place during a Mass that was presided over by His Eminence Bishop Jamal Daibes, the Latin Vicar in […]

Trip to Arab Al-Rashaydeh

Under the title “Know your Country”, the George Nasra Center organized a trip to the desert to Arab Al-Rashaydeh in the East of Bethlehem on Saturday 8th of October 2022 at 4:00 p.m. It was guided by Mr. Saed Shomaly, an author of several books on the region and its wildlife. Fourteen members of the […]