Tag: Qubeibeh Nursing Program

Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences \ Qubeibeh

Qubeibeh Nursing students complete requirements on site After the decision of Bethlehem University to start receiving small groups of students for continuing nursing lab practice; groups of 6 to 7 students were called into the Qubeibeh Nursing facility on Monday 8/6/2020 to complete the spring fundamental nursing lab requirement with Mr Mohammad Ayyash and Sr […]

An additional floor added to the Bethlehem University Faculty of Nursing in Al-Qubeibeh

On Thursday 10 May 2018, Bethlehem University, together with the United Nations’ Development Program/Program of Assistance to the Palestinian People (UNDP/PAPP) and the German Representative Office celebrated the inauguration of the additional floor at Al-Qubeibeh Nursing School, built with funds from the KFW Entwicklungsbank in Germany. On 10th May 2017 the German Representative Office in […]