Tag: Tarek Ahmad Juffali Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences

Workshop on Spinal Cord Injury

On Sunday, 17 October 2021, first-year Occupational Therapy students visited Abu Rayya, the national centre for spinal cord injury. The Head of the Department Ms. Rasha Abed gave the students an introduction to the centre’s work. The students then toured the different departments and heard from the Physiotherapy, Nursing, and Occupational Therapy staff. The discussion […]

Inauguration of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences at Bethlehem University

Link: https://www.cmc-terrasanta.org/en/media/terra-santa-news/24084/inauguration-of-the-faculty-of-nursing-and-health-sciences-at-bethlehem-university From: Christian Media Center Bethlehem University inaugurated on 6 September the building named after Cardinal John Patrick Foley, which will house the “Tarek Ahmed Juffali” Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences. The ceremony was attended by the Palestinian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Abu Mowais, representing Prime Minister […]

Bethlehem University dedicates newest building on campus

Link: https://en.abouna.org/content/bethlehem-university-dedicates-newest-building-campus From: Abouna.org Published on Thursday, 9 September 2021 “Bethlehem University provides the environment for peace and understanding through the common ground of education – supporting the aspirations, hopes, and goals of students. Let us remember that education is not limited to stone structures or within walls. Education is all around us in everything […]

“Feel proud that you are a graduate of Bethlehem University”

Link: https://en.abouna.org/content/feel-proud-you-are-graduate-bethlehem-university From: abouna.org Published on Wednesday, 14 July 2021 Bethlehem University is worthy to be extended all kinds of help and support for the role it plays, particularly at the current critical time the Middle East region is going through, as it sets the bases for a bright future for the local population. By […]

Bethlehem University Holds 44th Graduation Ceremonies

Bethlehem University Holds 44th Graduation Ceremonies Available in the following languages: Arabic Link: https://www.lpj.org/posts/bethlehem-university-holds-44th-graduation-ceremonies.html From: Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem BETHLEHEM – The usual graduation plans, that were supposed to be held in June, has been derailed by the coronavirus. Bethlehem University decided to hold four in-person graduation ceremonies in November. This extended schedule is due to […]

Bethlehem 2000 Foundation Visits Campus

A Chilean Palestinian delegation from the Bethlehem 2000 Foundation visited Bethlehem University last week. The delegation included the Executive Director of the Foundation, Mr. Alexis Sfier; Chairman of the Palestinian Community in Chile, Mr. Maurice Khamis; and members from the Foundation.  Executive Vice President, Dr. Michael Sansur; Assistant Vice President for Advancement, Mr. Isaac Sahhar, […]

Representative of Mexico in Palestine Visits Bethlehem University

On Wednesday, 15 May 2019, Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray welcomed Dr. Pedro Blanco, the Representative of Mexico in Palestine, on his first visit to Bethlehem University since assuming office in September 2018. Vice President for Advancement, Brother Denis Loft; Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Irene Hazou; Communications Officer, George Rishmawi; and Brother Alejandro […]

An additional floor added to the Bethlehem University Faculty of Nursing in Al-Qubeibeh

On Thursday 10 May 2018, Bethlehem University, together with the United Nations’ Development Program/Program of Assistance to the Palestinian People (UNDP/PAPP) and the German Representative Office celebrated the inauguration of the additional floor at Al-Qubeibeh Nursing School, built with funds from the KFW Entwicklungsbank in Germany. On 10th May 2017 the German Representative Office in […]

“Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve”

Bethlehem University Satellite Nursing Center’s First Graduating Class This winter, Bethlehem University officials travelled to Qubeibeh, Palestine, to celebrate the first graduating Nursing class. Br. Robert Smith, Academic Vice President at Bethlehem University, Br. Peter Iorlano, Ms. Mariam Awad, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, and Ms. Hanan Saca Hazboun visited the […]